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The fields and castle of Athenry
Ok, this post is not actually about the fields, and mostly about the castle of Athenry, but it is hard for the song The Fields of Athenry not to pop into your mind while you drive around the town and area. The castle is a glorious medieval castle, simply restored, that has been preserved since it…
The colourful brush and the photo canvas
For my picture today, on a cold and damp Monday, I have chosen my bright stripey brush and dustpan. I love it’s bright cheery colours, but I have to confess it is not the best at sweeping the floor and collecting the dust! However, it is so cheery and fun that I am reluctant to…
Last beach walk of 2021.Any New Years Eve plans – we are staying in (as usual!) Just the 5 of us…. and the cat and dog of course! 2021 has had it's lows but also some highs including a graduation, gcse results and a puppy . The best gift has been having everyone at home safe and well for Christmas / New Year. Here's to 2022, whatever it may bring!
Last beach walk of 2021. Any New Years Eve plans – we are staying in (as usual!) Just the 5 of us…. and the cat and dog of course! 2021 has had it’s lows but also some highs including a graduation, gcse results and a puppy! The best gift has been having everyone at home…
On the 5th Day of December…..another Nativity
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