Old School Blogging
WAY back when, back in 2007, when I first started reading other blogs, and eventually took the plunge to write my own blog, I used to love “meme”s – a serious of questions we would answer on our blog, tag others so they could join in too, and link back to the blogger who initiated it.
Over the last few days a few of my favourite bloggers have been joining in, so I am too 🙂
What were you doing 10 Years Ago?
10 years ago, I had just started a 2 year career break from the bank. I was at home full time with our daughters, then aged 5 and 3. We were planning to move to England for at least a year in August 2003 as part of my husband’s medical training. I spent every evening on our huge PC with dial up internet, trying to sort out a house to rent, school and nursery places for our kids, and trying not to panic!
We ended up in a lovely house, kids at great school/nurseries, met some life-long friends, and moved back to N Ireland 8 months pregnant!
I never did return to the bank – I now work from home – I get to create jewellery, blog, take photos….and be a mum 🙂
- Buy new curtains for our daughters bedrooms
- Get all kids hair cut this week
- Prepare jewellery stock for a new craft shop opening in Bushmills (delivering on Saturday – will tell you more then)
- Â Clear out our freezer, and get rid of those unidentified frozen parcels that I never lablelled!
- Back up our Disney/Florida holiday photos to an External Hard Drive
- strawberries
- fresh pineapple
- mango
- anything with peanut butter
- honey roast cashew nuts
- set money aside for our kids – first car/house
- give money to support charities and missionary friends
- pay off the mortgage
- buy a house with a sea view on the north coast
- buy a VW camper van!
Name some places you have lived
- Enniskillen (N Ireland)
- Ballymena (N Ireland)
- Belfast (N Ireland)
- Â married and moved to Lisburn (N Ireland) spotting a pattern here?!! This was our first home.
- moved to another house in Lisburn
- Bristol (England) for one year
- Â back to Lisburn (where we remain!)
- I am a clutter bug
- I procrastinate
- I have a very sweet tooth
Name some jobs you have had
- babysitter
- kids camp leader (in Belgium)
- bank official
- jewellery designer
So there you have it – a wee bit more you now know about me.
If you blog, considered yourself tagged if you want to join in – just leave me a comment and I will come read your post.
To find all the other bloggers who have taken part….. visit The Miss Elaine-ous Life

Thanks SO much for linking up! That photo of you and your girls is so cute and I just love the houses you have lived in. So pretty!
Great to get to know you through Old School Blogging! 🙂