iphone friday

It’s Friday again! Time for another round up in iphone pics, and a recommended app

Photos first:

I realised there was a bit of a snowy-weather theme to this weeks iphone pics

On Friday we had some light snow – and I recorded it’s arrival using the InstaWeather app

As well as recording the weather, I like to use my iphone to capture the everyday wee details – here is my daughters after she walked (slipped!) home with friends from school in the snow.

This was Saturday morning there was now a huge deal of snow left, but we don’t often get much so our son made the most of it!

 By Sunday there was even less – this was at our local park before church on Sunday morning

On Sunday our  younger daughter did some baking, and I used the Label Box app to add the details (more info on the app below)

On Monday morning I was in Lisburn – this steep narrow street is one of the oldest in Lisburn (although now looks a bit boring)

Monday afternoon/evening will be remembered as THE DAY THE SNOW CAME! (more images in THIS post)

Quite suddenly and dramatically, within a few hours, there was so much snow that all of Lisburn and a significant part of Belfast ground to a halt – it took my husband 3 hours to drive 7 miles (he ended up abandonning the car til the next day and walking the last part)

Just as the snow was getting heavy, I captured this image of my cat looking out at the snow with my son outside just visible making a snowman – I think it is my favourite photo of my week.

Much to my kids delight, their schools declared Tuesday to be a Snow Day due to the horrendous road conditions, and snowmen were built in our street.

In case you thought with all this snow I didn’t get around to making any janmary designs jewellery this week, you’d be wrong!

My final picture of the week was taken this morning, when out for coffee with friends – this was AFTER the raspberry ruffle scone was almost devoured – but it’s never too late to capture a moment!

App of the week

This week’s recommended app is what I would categorise as a “creative” app – Label Box

I love it because:

  • it’s simple to use
  • it adds interest and info to your iphone pics
  • it’s free – what more could you want!

 That’s it for iphone Friday for this week.

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So how was your week? Did you capture any images on your iphone? Let me know, or join up in the linky list below:


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  1. Ok, this is a pain in the patootie. I’ve tried four times to add my link. It keeps telling me I don’t have a backlink, which in fact I do. This is too complicated. Sorry.

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