5 of my favourite blogs
It is hard to pick just 5 ….. I have too many in my Google Reader…..and these are in no particular order, but these are 5 which I always look forward to reading
Elizabeth – a lovely photographer from Florida, who is moving to IRELAND next year, so we will practically be neighbours! It is lovely to have met up with her on her frequent trips over here and she has even photographed my family.
A Beach Cottage – Sarah is an English girl now living by the sea in Sydney, Australia and she has an amazing way with white paint and vintage coastal style.
Mrs Miles – we have yet to meet, but some day we will, Mrs Miles lives on the far side of Canada, but she is a great friend and encourager 🙂
Jen from A Home in the Country…..another blogger who I met, on her trip to Ireland. Jen recently became a mum to the gorgeous Lily and it has been lovely watching her progress. Jen is crafty and practical and is always tackling great new projects.
Melissa from Momcomm and Adventuroo – I discovered Melissa through SITS and it was lovely to meet her at Bloggy Boot Camp in Atlanta last October. She shares lots of practical blogging tips about writing, design and social media.
Care to share some of your favourite bloggers with me? I can always find room for a few more in my Google Reader!
For more bloggers sharing their fave blogs, click HERE
Hi JM,
You know, I SAW your blog post title in my email and I wondered just WHO could make your “fave five” – and to come and see ME there, well, I want you to know it dissolved me. I’m undone. Thank you so very much. I’ve not felt like I’ve been able to be a good friend, blogger one or otherwise of late with the busyness of my life. But good friendships stay firm through the ebbs and tides of the ocean of life, no?
I DO KNOW we are going to meet face to face – its sewn into my heart. I can’t wait to meet you and your beautiful family. I feel I already know you as dear as the friends I get to “see” day to day.
Blessings & Much Love,
Hi what a sweet post – I am honored but you know your already in my top five and just think we ll be able to see each other often next year – hard to imagine that!
Just finished with our moving sale – sold tons but am exhausted
Now to check out your other favorite blogs!