An Illuminating Christmas (and a giveaway!)

Christmas is nearly upon us and I can’t wait for my husband to make his annual pilgrimage to our attic to bring down our Christmas decorations, trees and lights.

As we have several kids birthday’s in December my husband yields to my pressure at the beginning of December to bring out the decorations – I like to take some birthday photos in front of the Christmas Tree. In his idea world, Christmasย  Trees should be put up on Christmas Eve, and down again on Boxing Day.

So, as I wait impatiently patiently, here are a few ways I have decorated with lights and candles in past Christmases.


This year I will have a new addition to my Christmas decor:

I love all lights (that are white) in whatever form so was really pleased when Lighting Styles sent me this 7 arm Christmas illuminated candlestick to review and have kindly offered toย  send one to one of their best selling festive candelabras to adorn the home of one of my readers too.

This time the giveaway is open to UK AND Europe only, as it will be fitted with a standard UK plug. If you win and live in Europe, you will need to change the plug.ย  Sorry everyone else, but apparently with the different voltages, regulations etc, you can’t enter THIS time.

It is well made, of sturdy construction, and already looks at home in my home! Have yet to decide if it will stay here in the hall, or will I place it on a window-sill to it can be visible from outside,ย  I was impressed with the quality, and look forward to picking one of my lovely blog readers to receive one of their own, hopefully in time for Christmas.

Closing date for comments is Sunday 6th December, winner will be chosen at random from the eligible commentors.

So, have a look at lighting styles on-line store, and, in your comment below tell me which item from the store catches your eye and why.ย  Please also add “I live in UK/Europe” to enable me to randomly select a winner from eligible commentors.

So how do you use lights and candles to decorate your home? I hope you will all share, wherever in the world you live!

I am also participating in The Inspired Room’s Holiday Friday Linky too this week – love Christmas? You will love this carnival.

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  1. I love the LED Christmas Tree. It would look so cute sitting on an end table in the living room!

    I love my rooms to have very good light. I hate when I walk in a room and flip on the lights, and there are lots of dark places. I love the option of lots of light– especially natural light from windows!

    (I live in Europe– well, Turkey, so kinda!)

  2. I can’t enter, but I wanted to say how much I love lights at Christmas … it’s my favorite part of decorating. There’s something about seeing the warm glow of lights and candles at night … gives me the warm fuzzies!

  3.…!!!! i live in europe!! (paris to be precise!! oh i am so excited knowing that i am qualified here…hehehe.
    i want the kitchen and bathroom really bright. but the rest of the house i want it a little dim lit. i really cannot do much decorating because i am renting here. and i really cannot change much about the house and it is furnished when we got it so cannot move much.
    i am interested in the Acrylic LED Christmas Tree…just so you know.

    thank you for this chance!! have a great weekend!!

  4. Ooh pretty lights I adore Christmas as it allows me to have twinkling sparkling lights all around.

    I was on Lighting Styles for a long while, lost in all the prettiness.

    I chose the cute Acrylic LED Reindeer.

    Thanks for the opportunty and for the fab pictures, hope all your birthdays are wonderful.

  5. Thanks for sharing your beautiful holiday pictures. I hope your husband gets to the attic soon! Thankfully, my husband is willing to start decorating in October. ๐Ÿ™‚ Couldn’t do it without him! Thanks for your comment on my blog. So glad you stopped by. I’m not eligible for your giveaway, as I’m in the US, but I did enjoy visiting and will be back to watch your Christmas decorating progress. Merry Christmas! ~~Rhonda

  6. Don’t put me in the contest ๐Ÿ˜‰ but I wanted to say I love your top two candles so much I might have to steal those gorgeous ideas for my own house! LOVE them!

  7. Sigh. I DID comment but blogger stole it away. It was a really really good one too, all about your pretty glowily candles. But I can’t pull it all back out of my head. Know I “oohhhed and ahhhhed” over it all, I’m a candle person meself.

    Love, Barb

  8. I’m like you, I love white Christmas lights. They remind me of stars and diamonds glittering. Lovely pictures. Unfortunately, I live in Alabama, so I won’t be able to enter. Hope you have a great day!

  9. I like your photos:0) I don’t celebrate Christmas so I won’t enter but just wanted to say hi as I am from just accross the border in Co Louth.

    God bless.

  10. I love your blog, and can’t enter. I just wanted to say that I think this is a Jewish Menorrah, not a tree. It’s still beautiful, but I thought you’d want to know.

    Warm hugs from the US!

  11. JanMary,
    It’s always fun and interesting to learn about different countries tradtions and cultures. Your holiday decorations are so pretty and festive. Being in the States I can’t win this giveaway, but some lucky person will! Enjoy this joyful season.

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