An Irish Linen Scrim – a Show and Tell

In my search for some appropriate Irish-themed prizes for the St Patricks Blogging Carnival (I did mention that before – just a few times!) I came across this piece of natural (un-bleached) linen. It was quite a large piece, and at first I thought it might be a table centre piece. I love linen in this natural colour, so when I was paying for it I was surprised that it came up on the register as a linen scrim.

For those who aren’t sure a scrim is a cleaning cloth which is great for cleaning windows as it leaves no smears or fluff behind, and apparently some window-cleaners would not be without one. I suppose it is the orginal version of one of those micro-fibre clothes.

Whilst looking on-line however I discovered than these days linen scrim is used by some needle-crafters to embroider on, and I can see how effective this could be. Scrim was also the name given to any fabric which would be used as a sheer window covering (the original net curtains!).

So my show and tell for today is linen scrim.

For more linen links try these

Irish Linen
History of Irish Linen
Irish Linen (Wikipedia) (the Linen Museum pictured is where I purchased the linen scrim)
Scrim (Wikipwedia)
Linen for curtains today
Linen scrim for cleaning windows from one of my favourite on-line UK shops.

If you want to win one, either for your windows or for a crafting project, please come back between 17th and 21st March, and join in my St Patrick’s Day Blogging Carnival – any post related to how you do (or don’t!) celebrate St Patrick’s Day which also links back to the carnival and is added to the Mr Linky will have a chance of winning a variety of prizes.

For lots more Show and Tell visit Kelli at There’s No Place Like Home.

Tomorrow the final prize for the Bloggy Carnival will be announced – here’s a hint – a handmade personalised piece of jewelery.

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  1. Well now, I learned something new today. Thanks for sharing that bit of Irish culture. I too love linen.

    My show n tell is offered for viewing, won’t you stop by sometime today and keep me company?

    Have a terrific Friday and wonderful weekend.

  2. I love the things I learn on the Internet! I never knew what a scrim was (sounds kind of … I don’t know … genitalia related?) but glad to see it’s not! Actually, I’d love to try something like that on our windows, since I’ve tried everything and have found nothing that doesn’t leave streaks.

    Good luck with your carnival tomorrow! I was hoping to be able to join in and write a quickie for tomorrow but it’s not even 9:00 am here and already, my weekend stinks.

  3. I can’t believe I don’t have a scrim, just one of those naff squeegy thingies that seems to make the windows worse.

    Maybe I should get a proper window cleaner to do them:)

    And I can’t wait to see the jewelery tomorrow. I don’t suppose it’s made by anyone we know?

  4. I learned a lot about linen! I love linen, yes it great for windows too. I love to spin it on the spinning wheel and weave it on the loom. Yours is a lovely piece! Lucky you!

  5. What a lovely post! I love linen, both in clothing and around the house. I once had a summer jacket made of a pale yellow Irish linen. Loved it! And in out living room we have natural linen and cotton curtains.
    Yet so much there is to know about linen!

  6. Thank you for explaining what a scrim cloth is! With it being so useful, it’s too bad it doesn’t have a better name! These recent posts reminded me that I have some Irish linen sitting in my laundry room which needs some cross-stitching done to it. Just one more thing to do in “spare” time! 😉

  7. Don’t you just love the way a nice piece of linen feels? I am fond of the natural color also…I’m not sure I could bring myself to wash a window with it though…I use old cloth diapers!


  8. Hi JanMary,

    Just popping in for a minute here in my busy BUSY day (getting all tax reciepts together and sorted so we can file for a return)

    VERY interesting! You’ve increased my wealth of knowledge!

  9. Loved learning about this! I received a piece of Irish linen for my wedding. I think I am going to take a picture of it and join your carnival on St. Patty’s Day.

    Also, because I keep forgetting to tell you. My Mother called me up a few weeks ago to say, “Did you know somebody from Ireland commented on your blog!!!!” She was really quite impressed!

    I also love that somebody from Ireland reads my blog! I enjoy reading you blog too; to see the fun ways we are different, but more importantly to realize how much more we have in common!

    Happy Saturday!

  10. Hello, fun stopping by to see your Show and Tell. The piece of linen you have is beautiful. I had never heard of the word until I saw one used for a drama program as a sheer curtain that could be seen through.
    Thank you for your interesting post.
    Kindly, ldh

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