Lessons Learned – recovering and thankful

So this day last week, I was in the operating theatre, and as thankful I am for the NHS, it is much more lovely being at home. 

Lessons learned :

1. Photo opportunities are more limited when you don’t leave the house for a week!

2. My Mum and Dad brought me these lovely flowers, so I DO have something to photograph.

3. You sometimes realize how much you do each day, when someone writes it down for when you are in hospital.

 This is the list my husband made……and despite the doubts of some, he did a great job. In fact the house was tidier and more organised than when I am at home!  He did not however manage to make any jewellery – so he can’t quite replace me entirely 🙂

4. I am very, very grateful for the support and prayers of family and friends. Whether it was an encourage text or facebook comment, a lovely homecooked pie, help picking up the kids or sending a card, I have much to be thankful for.

5. I was amazed, although I shouldn’t really have been, when a friend in IRAQ who didn’t even know I was going in for surgery, contacted me on Facebook 24 hours before the operation asking me if anything particular was happening to me as she had felt prompted to pray for me!

6. Sorry for that very long sentence – punctuation is not my strong point this week.

7. Finally, my new favourite place to visit – PINTEREST! It is a great internet place to collect all those images and ideas you see online, and can never remember where you saw them.  If you would like an invite – it’s free but you need to be invited, just let me know your email address.

You can check out some of my collections HERE

For more lessons learned, visit Julie

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  1. So glad your home
    Those roses are beautiful
    One of my favorite flowers
    Relax and enjoy having cliff wait on you hand and foot
    Talk to you soon

  2. Beautiful flowers! I’m so glad you are recovering well and no way could your husband replace you! I’d miss all your sweet posts. *I’m sure he’s a wonderful man though. :)*

    I’d love an invite! I’m always “losing” stuff.

  3. I love the list! Glad your hubby was able to (somewhat) take your place while you healed!

  4. I just got a Pinterest invite myself! Can’t wait to check it out.

    So glad you’re recuperating nicely! 🙂

  5. good to hear you are recovering well…
    i understand the feeling of husband taking over the house..and realize they weren’t too bad at all in handling things…but still moms are irreplaceable.
    you get well soon…and looking forward to more photos…

  6. I don’t know what kind of surgery you had, but I’m glad you’re home and on the road to recovery. I don’t enjoy the hospital. Who does? Your husband sounds like a terrific man! And those roses are absolutely gorgeous!

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