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A fairytale castle in France
Today we headed for a chateau, which made a change from a cathedral! Or else there would have been a risk that this blog and our holiday would need to be remamed “a Tour or French Cathedrals while House Swapping”! It was in the beautiful village of Pierrefonds, and not surprisingly has been used as a…
All aboard for fish and chips!
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An Alarming Snowman and Lessons Learned
On Saturday afternoon my husband and kids decided they had not yet had enough of the snow, and proceeded to build a snowman in our front garden. I only joined then to take a few photos from time to time, then retreated to the warmth of indoors and central heating! This is the…
Are you ready for the St Patrick’s Day Party?
This morning I had the chance to return to our church to take some more photos of the interior, including the prayers for peace on a cross, and the stained glass windows. Here are a few of my favourites. I know a few of you expressed interest in seeing more of the interior, especially the…
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So, what have I learned this week?
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