An April Evening on White Rocks Strand, N Ireland
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An April Evening on White Rocks Strand, N Ireland

We are having a relatively quiet week at the cottage, and for the last few evenings the highlight of the day has been a trip to the beach in the evening. We have chosen White Rocks Strand which is just a few miles along the coast from the cottage. For some (me) that means lots…

Beach Days in November in Northern Ireland
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Beach Days in November in Northern Ireland

I love it when we are up at our cottage, there is a clear blue sky, and we head to the beach – even if it’s November! Belfast might be going MTV Awards mad, with celebreties being spotted all over the city. It was a HUGE event, held in Odyessy Arena, and showed Belfast at…

Summers End at Downhill Strand, Northern Ireland
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Summers End at Downhill Strand, Northern Ireland

This afternoon we headed over to part of the North Coast of Northern Ireland which we don’t visit so often, the beach at Downhill, just beyond Castlerock. Downhill beach is a 7 mile stretch of golden sand from Magillan Point to Mussenden and apparently is one of the longest beaches in Europe. It was a…

The summer has begun!

The summer has begun!

School finished on Thursday, and we were up here at the cottage by early afternoon on Friday.  We seemed to have brought some warm sunshine with us, and not wanting to take it for granted, we headed to the beach on Friday night for our traditional fire log, marshmallows, hot chocolate and photo-shoot! We went…