
15 minutes of fame – but fortunately not mine!

Yesterday was an exciting day in our house, as my husband was involved in a good news story on the local news. When he was on the evening news, our 3 kids excitedly watched. My 4 year old began waving at his Dad. When I said “He can’t see you, and won’t wave back” my son said “He can, he’s looking right at me!”

This morning, it was in all the papers, local and national. His photo was even on the front page of The Sun – not a paper we normally buy. We have received texts from family and friends throughout the UK who have spotted him!

Today our utility room is finally undergoing it’s transformation to match the new kitchen. We are half-way there with it, but it should not be too long before I have use of all the cupboards. We will be able to empty more of the packed boxes currently occupying the dining room.

The final stage will be new storage which we have ordered for the end of the family room area of the kitchen. It is apparently on it’s way….but it seems to be have been so for quite a while. It will be great for it all to be completed. However, I have been planning this makeover since we bought the house 10 years ago, so I am sure I will cope with a few more weeks.

The open night at the school was a great success. My 4 year old, who will start attending this school in September, kept looking for his name on the desks and coat pegs in the class rooms, as he wants to start NOW!

My eldest daughter played the piano in the main hall in front of quite a large crowd of pupils and parents, showing no nerves. Not something I would have wanted to do at her age.

It is a Bank Holiday weekend here, but for a change we are not at the cottage. Have you any plans this weekend?

I have not forgotten…..more answers to your questions coming soon – I have a special post about digital scrapbooking on the way – all you need to know, or at least, where else to find the answers!

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  1. I hope you’re making a layout of your husband’s debut on the news (tv and print) – how cool. We have a holiday too this weekend and just hanging out at home. It’s nice not to have 2 soccer games and places to be for once.

  2. wow your husband on TV… do I understand right, that your husband is a doctor?
    I agree with Jen – a layout is really necessary

    Our weekend is nice, wonderful weather and yesterday we visited a flea market. Today I made the childrens church and later we´ll make BBQ.

    Have a nice Sunday, too!

  3. Hey, that was your husband. Its great to see the doctors at that hospital being praised, they work harder and knock their pans in more than most:)

    Have fun with the rest of the makeover and enjoy the bank holiday weekend, its ages until the next one. Well about eight weeks, but still:)

  4. Oh, good! I’m looking forward to the digital scrapbooking post!

    Hope you can handle the stress of being married to a celebrity and that the paparazzi don’t ruin your weekend!

  5. Hi JM!

    i AM so so EXCITED for your news, I’m sure your children were very impressed to see ‘Dad’ on the television. I know I would be if that had happened to me. Congratulations to him, this must have been a memorable event for him and all involved.

    And your kitchen… {wishing I could peek!} Can’t wait for the BIG reveal.

    Just back from the coast – will catch up with you as soon as I’m able!

    ♥ Barb

  6. i can imagine the excitement of your kids seeing their dad on tv!!! and on the newspaper the following day!! congratulations to him!! and congratulations to your daughter who played the paino in front of a large crown…(something i don’t think i could do when i was that age). bravo!! well done!!

  7. Wait! Why was your husband on the news? The headline says 6 babies – JanMary – are you holding out on me?

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