Blogging – more questions than answers…..

You are charged with not blogging, how do you plead?


Guilty as charged.

janmary blog

After 33 days of consecutive blogging before/during/after Christmas I was all blogged out! I have mentally written lots of posts, shame I didn’t  ACTIALLY blog them, as I am sure you would have loved them!

Life v blogging… will always win!  So why the battle?

Is it possible to do both? Should I even try?
Should I just ramble on Facebook instead?
Would anybody miss it (this is not a pity party – honest!)?   (well, maybe a little pity party)
Would I miss it? Will I look back and regret it?

As my older kids want me to mention them less and less in the blog, prefer not to appear in photos, no longer say “Put this on your blog, Mum” is this another reason for my changing attitude to my blog?  Is the primary purpose of this a family journal? If so should I just make it private?

Why do I blog? Is it for the friends (I have met some amazing bloggy friends, and reconnected with other friends because of it)?
Is it just for me?
If I enjoy it and get so much from it, why does it seem like a burden? Just another thing on my long list of things to do!

Is this just a phase I am going through?

Should I stop / continue as before / continue but change?

So many queations buzzing around in my head, and very few answers.

Here’s what I know

I have loved blogging
I have shared my faith, and personal journey through post natal depression

I love sharing my photos
I enjoy the connectivity of blogging, the conversations and the friendships
I love being creative and sharing in others creativity
As a mum working in her small business at home, I enjoy the companionship!
My blog only represents part of my life, there are issues and situations which I don’t share on my blog, do I resent that I don’t, or do I even want to?

What I don’t want

To resent the blog
For my kids to resent the blog
To regret stopping
To get so behind in what I want to share, that I just give up
For my blog to determine how I spend my time
For my blog to be purely a business tool to drive business to my jewellery
For my blog to be purely a businss tool for others, promoting products and reviews which are of no relevance to me

Sorry for the brain dump!
ANY THOUGHTS?- greatfuly appreciated.

If you are STILL with me, and if you are you are AMAZING! here’s  some of what’s been going on since I last blogged

  • Everyone back to school/work
  • My first Christmas carol service of 2011 (postponed by excessive snow before Christmas)
  • One kid doing exams
  • One kid on her first school trip away from home for 3 nights
  • One kid obsessed with all things Ben10
  • Doing lots and lots of work behind the scenes to new janmary designs website, marketing, financial planning……..before government funding runs out at end of January.
  • Still creating and selling jewellery – even while in the middle of root canal treatment….now THERE’s dedication for you! Yes, my dentist placed an order for 2 items I was wearing DURING the treatment (difficult to discuss when mouth full of drills and other dental nasties)
  • Here’s what dentists are buying in Belfast this season!
blues cluster cuff  janmary designs
blues cluster cuff  janmary designs

Thanks for bearing with me through this LONG post.

So, why do YOU read this blog?

I am going to hit the PUBLISH button before I change my mind!

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  1. I read your blog because you have such a positive outlook on life and that in itself is a great inspiration! 🙂
    I have my own blog to try and nurture my creative side, to hopefully encourage myself to push forward with all the things I enjoy instead, and retain some sense of self alongside being mum, wife, step-mun, carer, career woman etc etc. 🙂

  2. Busy, busy! I would say that I like reading your thoughts, even if they’re infrequent!

    I have similar questions & find that when it gets to be too much & blogging is a chore, then it’s time to take a break for a while. It’s okay to skip over some stuff, so you’re not always playing catch-up.

  3. I struggle with the same questions (minus the business part. 🙂 Just busy here. I read your blog because I love seeing your photos and reading about where you live and your beautiful family and seeing your beautiful jewelry and of course we have the PPD connection! You are just an amazing lady I hope to meet in person one day (In Ireland of course!) and if not here then in Heaven!

  4. I read your blog because I like it. I enjoy hearing about your family and your life. You have been sharing part of yourself with others. I think everyone who blogs struggles with the same questions. Just remember that you don’t have to ‘keep up’ when you feel behind. Just blog when you feel like it and don’t feel bad if you don’t. Also, none of us share everything in our blogs…some things are just too private to share. And to answer one of the biggest questions you asked…I would miss you if you didn’t blog! 🙂 Carla

  5. First off, I’m just recently back from a short–ok long break in blogging. Life caught up with me and I had to let a few of my balls drop. That meant blogging. I missed it and had a hard time keeping up with my blogging buddies.

    But when life settled down, I picked up the keyboard again. Used to say pen but it’s the keyboard and mouse these days.

    Are you joining Lori Anderson’s Bead Soup Party? It’s open to every one. Check out my blog for details!

  6. Sigh. I have so many of the same questions and doubts, JanMary. I still don’t know what direction I’m going to go in myself. The only thing I can say for sure at this point is … I TOTALLY WANT THAT BRACELET.

  7. Hi JM – oh no way am I going to give you a short lil answer here, will send you a REALLY email! But the gist will be the same.

    The selfish side of me says KEEP ON.

    :):) But I will lay myself aside and share all my thoughts, for what they are worth.

    Love, Barb

  8. yes – life must always win! And sometimes there are more important things than blogging.

    I love your blog and enjoy the time I´ll stay here. Like your creativity and all kinds of your interesting themes, also your st.patrick-carnivals.

    I think on FB all the different parts can´t be told in the same way as here on your “private” blog.

    So hope you wouldn´t close the door here… I would miss you hardly

  9. As a regular lurker and huge fan of your photos, I hope you continue to blog!

    I think it’s an issue we all face, particularly if you’ve tended to put your kids out there, and they start to feel differently about that.

    For me I try to think of my blog as *my space* and I write what’s of interest to me at any given point in time. While my daughter’s young, it’s often about her but not always – and as she gets older that might change, and evolve.

    I guess it’s a rambly way of saying, let the blog breathe, let it evolve and become what you need it to be. IT’s there to serve you and not the other way around.

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