
Introduction to Janmary and a recent photo

Hi, I am Janmary, a christian wife, mum of 3 kids, jewellery designer, blogger and amateur photographer. I live in N Ireland, and I have been blogging for 5 years. I love the added dimension blogging and social media has brought into my life here.  As the tag-line of my blog says

“welcome to my world”

The reason I am introducing myself?

I am attempting to join in with Emma over at Boy Oh Boy with a 31 Day Blog Challenge. I say “attempted” as last year I tried and failed…… let’s see how this year goes!

Anyway, if you are still with me, today’s topic is to introduce myself and include a recent photo.

I am more than a bit camera shy, so recent photos are few and far between. I MUCH prefer to be behind the camera.

However, I dutifully went back through my photos, and found this one taken at the beginning of April – ok, I know it is the back of my head ….. but I tried!

So, if I manage, you will know a lot more about me by the end of May …… whether you want to or not!


If you don’t usually comment on my blog, I would love you to say “hi”. If you are one of my “regulars” ….. you know I love comments 🙂

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  1. Nice to meet you hon and looking forward to learning more about you. 🙂 I know what you mean about it being hard to find photos of yourself. I’m silly enough to take lots of self portraits, but I never have anything really candid or special. I love your picture, though, as it’s so natural! 

  2. Hi Jan 🙂 I found you on Intsagram. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I look forward to learning more about you. I’m camera shy too but with a little help from the Hipstamatic app I found a bunch of neat filters that help me hide my flaws 🙂

  3. I too am usually behind the camera.  🙂  So having a photo of the back of your head puts you way ahead of me…I don’t think I’ve been in a photo with my kids since last summer!

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