
Promise of spring, and getting to know me!

This morning, after I dropping the children off at their Sunday School classes, and before returning for coffee and the morning service at our church, I took a walk in the nearby park.

At first everything seemed quite grey and bleak, but then the sun came out, and I spotted some flecks of colour among the grass. Crocuses! Here is my favourite photo of them from this morning, with some dew still on the grass and leaves.

In the near by duck pond, I caught this duck launching itself into the water. After an ungainly waddle along the edge it thrust itself into the water, then gracefully glided away!

After a great challenging service on “What Jesus means to us?” there was a church lunch with tasty soup, bread and cheese, followed by warm apple tart. These opportunities are always a great chance to chat and catch up as we linger over our cups of tea and the kids play.

One of my regular blog haunts is Grace at Sandier Pasteurs. I love her fascinatining blog about her life as an expat living and working in Dubai. In a recent post she was interviewed by another blogger who sent her 5 questions to answer. She then asked for any volunteers who wished to be sent 5 questions to answer on their blog. I responded so here are the questions by Grace and the answers by me!

1. You live in Ireland – are you an expat family there or a citizen?

I was born and bred in Northern Ireland, and apart from spending one year in south west England I have always lived here.
2. Your digital scrapbooks are amazing. I wish I could do that someday. When did you start digiscraping and any tips for starters? 

I stumbled upon digital scrapbooking by accident while making a photo calender of my kids in December 2006. Everything I learnt was from on-line tutorials and digital scrapbooking forums. My tip would be to get online and join in! I have a post HERE about resources and links to help you get started.

3.I can imagine lovely weekends in Europe but how is a weekend in Ireland like?If you were coming to Northern Ireland I would suggest you either chose a city break or a coastal getaway.

City break in Belfast – some great boutique hotels, lovely restaurants, a Saturday morning visit St Georges market, upmarket shopping in Victoria Square (although not on Dubai’s scale!). Take a bus tour of the city including the Titanic Quarter (great plans for the centennary in 2012) and the political murals of North and West Belfast. A buzzing and bustling city with lots happening.

A coastal getaway – I would recommend driving up the dramatic Antrim coast, being sure to stop at Carrick-a-rede rope Bridge, White Park Bay, Ballintoy Harbour, Giant’s Causeway, Dunluce Castle, and maybe even Bushills Whiskey Distillery. A hotel like the quaint Bushmills Inn would be perfect. On Sunday morning nothing beats a walk along Portstewart Strand, followed by lunch at Ramore Wine Bar in Portrush or 1608 restaurant in Bushmills.

4. I am always curious about other people from different parts of the globe. Tell me, what do you like most about living in Ireland?I love the people (we have a very dry sense of humour with a healthy dose of sarcasm), the food (an Ulster Fry, Tayto crisps and Yellow Man), the weather (when it isn’t raining) and the stunning scenery. As it is such a small place, nothing is too far away to visit in an afternoon, or a day a most.

5. Last question is about blogging. I know that you love blogging so much. I can tell you are passionate about it with your dedicated posts everyday. How long have you been blogging and what do you love about blogging the most?I started in March 2007, primarliy to post my digital scrapbooking. I never imagined how much I would enjoy sharing my wee world with so many blogging friends around the world and closer to home. I have found great friends, christian fellowship, and support I could never have thought possible from friends I have never actually met. I have learnt new skills, shared experiences and laughed and smiled. From Works for Me Wednesday, (new home will be HERE next week), Show and Tell Friday and now “What I have learned this week” these carnivals have brought me into contact with such talented creative people.

If YOU would like to participate in the ME interview, here are the rules.

1. If you want to be interviewed, leave me a comment that says โ€œInterview meโ€.

2. I will respond by emailing you 5 questions (I get to choose the questions).

3. Update your blog with the answers to the questions and let me know when you have posted it.

4. You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When the other comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

That is your lot for today. Is there anything else you want to know about me or Northern Ireland? Ask away!

Thanks for making it to the end.

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  1. I had no idea that you lived in N Ireland. We lived in England for a time, and my husband is from Scotland. I have never been to Ireland but I do hope to visit one day! Ill be interviewed. it sounds like fun

  2. If you are brave enough to send questions for a second interviewee, I think it sounds like fun.

    Love your answer to the question about what to do in N. Ireland on the weekend. You make it sound quite picturesque and relaxing!

  3. I LOVE that first pic – beautiful! And travel tips on Ireland – I’ll post those in the back of my mind. Its a dream trip for us someday and I already decided you’d be the first person I’d ask for travel advice!

  4. The interview sounds like fun! If you have some time, please interview me! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!

  5. That was fun. It helped me to get to know you a little better. I haven’t seen your digital scrapbooks, but I’m definitely going to go take a look. I scrapbook the old-fashioned way, but I like the idea of doing it digitally.


  6. I’m having crocus and green grass ENVY my friend. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Don’t go tempting me with questions. haha. No, really, another day I would but I’m taking a day off today.

    We had a lovely breakfast at our church today too – a good opportunity to visit! So good, I near nodded off in the sermon. Don’t tell Pastor that, ok? I got the gist of it.


  7. So nice getting to know a bit more about you, I am up for an interview if you have time.

    Love the two pictures they are both beautiful.

  8. I’ve always loved your blog, writing and especially photography and this is a great idea! I would love to be interviewed!

    And you know what just struck me – I now have some one I know who lives in Ireland! I’ve met a few Irish over they years but they’ve always lived here in the States. Thw the World Wide Web!

    Stan at Scrappers Workshop

  9. The crocuses are everywhere at the minute. Its lovely having a bit of colour around.

    You can interview me if you’re not too busy.

  10. Great answers!

    I could use the travel tips if ever I get to Northern Ireland..someday! Thanks for playing!

  11. Those are some fantastic shots, JanMary.

    Loved reading your answers … it’s still kind a thrill to know that I “know” someone in Ireland!

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