The room is tidy!

My Project 365 pics for today, and also my Show and Tell are all about my eldest daughter’s room.

We have been having ongoing “discussions” about the tidying of her room, be finally there has been a breakthrough. In honor of this occasion, she requested I photograph her room, to record for posterity the current delight of being able to see the carpet and other surfaces!

For her birthday in December, she requested a room makeover (I blame all those house makeover programmes on TV!). This involved new bedding, curtains and rail, desk chair and some new storage drawers from Ikea. The new curtain under her bed was also made by her Granny.

I am afraid she has inherited from me her love of clutter, but at least for now it is tidy clutter.

So here it is

These are just a few of her soft toys. In the middle is Teddy – well loved since birth. It took a long time to find the perfect bedding – it could not be too pink, to purple, too stripey, too spotty, to dark……you get the picture! We finally found it in Asda. and it was a perfect match for the painted walls.

You may notice under the bed there are flowery fairy lights – she alledgedly reads under hear, but it is a great place to stash more clutter. The curtain underneath is new, and was made by her Granny to match the new bedding.

Her special things.

Her cards.

And finally her desk corner. The chair was new from Ikea.

Thanks for visiting. For more Show and Tell, visit Kelli.

I am also adding this post to LIVE A BEAUTIFUL LIFE where we share things we have achieved to bring beauty to our homes and lives. A tidy room and a happy, proud daughter is indeed a thing a beauty!
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  1. What a cute makeover!! We are in the same boat here with my Maddy! We have some of the things we need for the makeover, but it probably won’t happen for another few weeks!!


  2. oh that is a constant battle with my daughter as well. you have inspired me to make a big deal out of her room the next time it is clean and to actually scrap about it! thanks!

  3. Ya, I’m a collector too…

    What a GREAT room, isn’t it funny too, how when its made over and ordered we actually WANT to spend time in there? Its the same here, a makeover is like a big huge AHHHH! {followed by a “why did I not do this months ago?}

    thx for the share, pass on to dd her room is loverly!

    โ™ฅ Barb

  4. It’s beautiful! You do great work.

    If I could get away with it, I would STILL put fairy lights in a secret place and read there. Even at 36 years old.

  5. Even when the room becomes messy, you can show your daughter these pictures and she’ll be so inspired she’ll start cleaning up right away.

    I love the fairy lights under the bed.


  6. LOVE the makeover!! My boys would love me to do their rooms really cool, but I know they won’t stay clean for more than 10 minutes, so I just don’t bother. They’ll move out soon anyway, and then I’ll make them into cute little rooms for the grandkids that will certainly one day come!! LOL!!

    LOVE your self portrait too…and since I’ve been MIA, I just went ahead and caught up on all I’d missed here!! Your photo of the Disney castle is amazing. What camera and lens did you use? Fabulous!!!

  7. Thanks for stopping by. I love the room. I like also your whole blog, such great photos.


  8. What a great makeover! I love the flowery lights under the bed. My daughter “does stuff” under her bed also, and this might be something she would like added to her room. And I would like the bed curtain added to her bed. What a neat idea!

  9. Looks like pictures in a magazine! ๐Ÿ™‚
    We so need to clean our bedrooms here at home…you’re inspiring me!

  10. Great job! I love makeovers:)

    Yours looks great! And I love the colors –with the secret room underneath is so nice!:)

    Linda C

  11. Hi JanMary,
    Everthing looks so sweet…love her choice of colors…I always found when my girls were young that if I let them decorate with their own taste they were more apt to keep the room tidy…hope this works for you.


  12. If my daughter’s room is ever this clean, I will definitely document it with lots of blog pics. Very cute!

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