Show & Tell – the old piano
This piano is the one I learned to play on, and now my children (and husband!) are playing and practicing on it now too.When my parents were moving house about 20 years ago, they decided they did not really have room for it, and proposed getting rid of it. I protested, and asked they keep it until I had a house of my own, and it was duly delivered to our first home.
Today the piano tuner was here, and he was impressed by the lovely sound it produced (particularily when played by him!) and was able to tell me a little more about it. It was made in 1899 in Berlin, and is a Carl Otto piano. Amazingly everything is original, even the strings. I know it has been in my mother’s family for a long time and it was probably new when they purchased it. I love to imagine it being played by previous generations, and the family occasions it has “witnessed” over the last 110 years.
Of course I could not resist taking a few internal photos while it was exposed!
For more Show and Tell, please visit There’s No Place Like Home.
I have had a busy few days, especially yesterday when I went with my 3 kids on the train to Belfast to the Balmoral Show. This is the time of year when “the country comes to town”!
There were the usual array of farm animals, machinery and supplies. Also crafts, horse jumping, food to sample, and an amazing array of things to see, do and taste.
None of it would have been possible without the assistance of my parents who we met there. My father has been involved in some way with the show and the organizing of it for years, and I remember always going to it as a child. The summer was never far away if it was time for “the show”. A perk of being there with Dad was being allowed to sit in the “Royal Box” overlooking the main arena – there was even a rope and red carpet!
The highlight for my daughters had to be holding the puppies.
(Pic to follow when Photoshop cooperates!)
For my son, the motor bank stunt show.
On seeing this photo, my husband asked “Did YOU take that photo?” – Yes – I did!
For me, it was the floral art demonstration by staff at Greenmount College.
I will blog in more detail about the flower demo on another day as it included some lovely easy to follow ideas.
I loved these sparrow nesting boxes. Each entrance whole leads to separate areas – a sort of tower block of apartments for sparrows.
Do you have a similar show or event in your calender which is a tradition for you and your family.
Finally, I got an unexpected surprise when I was sent the link to the I Am Mommy Awesome Blog 2009 awards on The top blog was listed for each of the categories, and as MacMama and Pioneer Women came first and second, but had won other categories, I got listed!!! So thanks for the votes. I am sure I was WAY behind on votes, but just to have my blog in the same paragraph as these amazing blogging women is quite incredible.
So I get to put a new badge on my blog! Check the post out here on
its amazing – we have had this 100+ year old piano – all original and I didnt even realise it. When this thing was made Queen Victoria was on the throne,there was a British Empire, the Republic of Ireland did not exist, the titanic was a dream only…………we better look after it.
You rock!! those are all amazing pictures that you took! Wow! I can’t wait to come and visit you somday. lol
Can you teach my kids the piano? 🙂
God bless-
What a gorgeous old piano! I always wanted to learn to play, and I can to an extent, but I’m definitely not very good! LOL
I love the photos you took at the Show. When we go to the Brisbane Show we love to look at all the livestock (we both come from the country) and the sheep dog trials. I’m probably showing my age and daggy-ness with that one! LOL
What an amazing old piano! I whish I can have one too! Not that I could play it, but I like pianos as stylish furniture LOL!
And can’t wait for more flowers photos, thanks for sharing.
Gracie at
110 years, imagine! You got some brilliant photos at the show, I can’t wait to see the rest of them.
What a beautiful old piano!!
Oh boy….you got me hooked! This piano is marvelous. I had one, and when we retired and downsized from a large home to a smaller one, I sold my piano. Now, I wish I had it back. I’m thinking of getting one again.
My Show N Tell is Disney today. Come by if you can find time. Happy Friday.
That piano is GORGEOUS! Looks like a good time was had at the show. Love the flowers as well. Thanks for sharing. Laura @ the mansion
What an absolute treasure! Thank goodness you protested! The candle holders are such a classic touch too:)
Congrats on your win! How exciting is that?
That stunt photo is stunning, JanMary – what a great shot!
I took piano for 10+ years when I was younger. I’m sad to say that I hated every second of it, but that’s because I was pretty much forced into it and it sucked every bit of enjoyment out of it. With my own kids, I’m pretty careful in this respect … I want to encourage their love of music … I don’t ever want them to NOT love creating music because that is a very sad place to be.
Your piano is beautiful and in such wonderful condition! We used to have an old upright piano that was my grandmother’s on which I learned to play. She must have purchased it in the 1920’s. What a treasure you have!
Your piano is beautiful and how wonderful that it has been in your family that long. I have a piano that I played on as a child and I am very happy to have it too:)
I love the candlesticks on your piano. How wonderful!
Hi JM – I am SO glad you got listed, you are definately list-worthy in my books. Cream always rises, they say… you are on your way up, up, up… and remember the greatest joy is GETTING THERE…
I always think of this fact having run several marathons. The second, third, fourth and fifth were nice… but somehow not AS satisfying as the first, just knowing I could DO it. You WILL be tops one day, I am confident but for having to wait will be all the sweeter!
Lovely pics once again and I have to agree with your husband, thats such a timely photo.
We did not go to the coast this weekend as my husband has some concerns with the van. I’m glad we are waiting and being careful. I will be able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine it looks like we will be blessed with today!
I wish you a wonderful weekend as well!
Love, Barb
your piano is super duper amazing!! i am dying to have a piano…someday. anyway..sorry you didn’t win the blog thing and i have to be honest i didn’t get to vote…the day passed me by so quickly. but for me, your blog is just great and i love reading it. so keep it iup!! have a nice weekend!!
I super love your pics – everyone is amazing! and what a great thing on the piano!
You had a lot to share! :>). It is good to know you have the history of your piano. You should record us a song and feature it on your blog.
How wonderful that you preserved your family’s piano, and that it continues to be in use.
What a lovely family heirloom. It brings tears to my eyes to think of the generations before that have touched the same ivory keys that you and your children now touch. A beautiful memory to treasure.
I am just in awe of that piano!! Can you post more pictures of it? This piano teacher is fascinated… 🙂 What an amazing piece.
This piano is amazing!!! Wonderful!!! Save it for the next hundred and more years in your family!!
Great pictures from inside the piano!
Wonderful family tradition with the Balmoral Show! And the picture of the motorbike is totally stunning!
May I asked if you had picked up the package at your cottage?
Wish you a wonderful Sunday!
You are so good with your pictures!
Great job on all the votes. You deserve it.
Yes, the photo of the piano is fab, but I’m just in love with those sparrow boxes. What can I say? I’m a bird nerd 🙂 Have you thought about selling prints of your photos on your Etsy store???
What a beautiful piano! I also have the one from my childhood. :0)