Sunday Morning on the Strand

One of our favourite family activities when we are up at the cottage is to go to Portstewart Strand. It is a beautiful long sandy beach, owned by the National Trust, with the stunning backdrop of Mussenden Temple, and the Donegal hills in the Republic of Ireland in the distance.

It is one of the few beaches where you can drive on the sand, and the kids love to sit on my husband’s knees and steer. Occasionaly a car gets stuck in the soft sand, or goes too near the shore line and needs rescued.

It is breezy and invigorating to say the least, and the perfect place to build up an appetite for lunch – the 1608 restaurant in Bushmills.

Quite a few commentors yesterday commented on how cold it looked on the beach yesterday. It was! However here in Northern Ireland if you wait for warm weather you will only see the beach one or two days in the year! We love to go to the beach in all weathers, but I never go in the water for more than a paddle. A few hardy souls brave the Atlantic Ocean, mostly in wetsuits, but they are welcome to it!

Want to know how the kitchen makeover is going? Hot of the press my husband uploaded some photos this evening when he arrived home.

Here is a glimpse of our new range cooker… will have to wait for more another day!

Hope you come back again tomorrow.

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  1. oooohhhhhh look at that oven! I want one! (and I just got a new one LOL)
    I love your photos and I like checking out your blog. Ireland is on our ‘to do’ list for when the kids are old enough to enjoy travelling :o)

  2. Oh, how fun! I didn’t know the beaches in NI were cold most of the time. One thing for sure is that your pictures are sure beautiful of it!
    Loving the new oven. Can’t wait to see more!

  3. I have never seen an oven like that before…at least not in any of the houses I’ve been in. It’s gorgeous!!

    The beaches in Oregon and in Washington are like that too…very cold and breezy. We flew a lot of kites when we lived up there!

    Gorgeous photos!!

  4. Your oven is something similar to mine in layout (a lot newer looking and cleaner:)).

    I hear you about the beach. I almost prefer it when the weather is a bit iffy. I’ve been when it snowed although that was a bit too cold.

    Thanks for the tip on the playpark and picnic area, we’re hoping to stop for lunch and it means toots can play in the park with the husband while I get some food ready.

  5. I enjoyed all your photos of the beach! What amazing memories you are creating!

    I think I need to order a range like yours! Can’t wait to see more.

    I enjoyed my visit with you this evening,
    Debbykay at Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

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