Atlantic Coastal walk via iPhone

We have just been to church and are out for a walk between Portrush and Portstewart.

Attempting to blog from my iPhone especially for Mrs Miles.

As you can probably tell it is a blustery day.

Off out for Sunday lunch. Hope you are having a lovely day.

Post From My iPhone

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  1. HA! How cool is it to not only take the photos but BLOG directly from your iphone? I can see how it would be a very powerful tool, not only for sharing your stories, but if there were an EVENT happening, no need to have to be ON your computer to blog!

    SUCH beauty, thanks for inviting us along on your walk; I sorta feel like I was along.

    Now I need a snack after all that walking… will this cause you to prepare something for me from your ipod app cookbook? *giggle!*

    They DO NOT have an app for doing the dishes – believe me, I’ve looked *wink*

    Mrs. Miles 🙂

  2. wow that´s great – blooging over Iphone – fantastic! As fantastic as your pictures!

  3. You can blog over an iPhone? Isn’t it hard? It’s difficult enough for me to text 140 characters to Twitter on my phone – I can’t imagine writing an entire blog post!

  4. Alright now I’m really feeling technologically challenged – blogging on a walk from your iPhione – can’t get fresher content that that!

    Stan at Scrappers Workshop

  5. Oh, how I would just love to visit that part of the world one day. I love North Carolina, but your pictures always make wish I were there. 🙂

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