Lessons learned – or should that be ilearned?!

Apologies in advance, but this week’s lessons are probably all going to be related in some way to my new iphone – an early birthday present.

1. iphones can be really useful – maybe I am easily impressed, but I am amazed at how easy it is to check email, browse the internet. I did not really much about what they could do before I got mine!

2. Apps (applications – many free!) are really fun….. I now such vital tools as a spirit level with me at all times – you never know when you might need to check if a picture is hanging straight, or which way is North! I am sure I will make a list of my 10 ten free apps for the iphone soon.

3. I can blog from my iphone – admittedly it took me a few attempts, but after a walk along the coast I was able to blog about it and upload pictures within a matter of minutes, while sitting in the car.

4. I love being proud of my children, but what brings even more joy, is seeing them proud of themselves.

My son, after a week of daily swimming lessons, finally got his “Teddy Bear 3” badge, and was SO excited and SO pleased. He kept saying “I can’t believe I did it! I did it! I did it!”

Sorry if you thought this particular lesson was NOT going to contain a mention of my iphone, because it is! You can visit THIS post to see just how excited he was, courtesy of iphone video of course!

5. This post is NOT sponsored by iphone – wish it was!!!

6. I am proud of me too this week, as I am continuing to follow the 30 Day challenge on Wii EA Sports Active Personal Trainer – missed a few sessions, and finding it harder to do up at the cottage, as there is not another room to use it in, so less inclined to interrupt the family evening.

However, on the basis of my first week’s review, my neighbour has gone out to buy it! Looking forward to finding out how she enjoys it. My second week of using it will be posted soon.

7. Birthdays can still be exciting, even when you are turning 42. Especially if they involve a night away in a luxury hotel with a spa.

8. I love to win a prize! Yesterday the lovely Martencja from Poland contacted me with the lovely news I had won a voucher for her digital scrapbooking store at After 5 designs. This is the item I chose – Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

That is you lot for this week.

If you want to find out more lessons learned this week in bloggy land, and I assume they are not all iphone related, then visit Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife.


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  1. Oh I think the iphone is a lovely thing to learn about. I can barely use my basic cell phone! LOL
    And I was wondering how that Wii EA sports game was.
    Have a great day!

  2. Afraid the Wii EA Active next door is still in its box. Think I’m building up to a big 1st September launch for the new regime!!

  3. I haven’t broken down and purchased an iPhone yet. Hubby and I are pretty stuck on the Windows Mobile “smart” phones. But I’ll agree that it’s awesome to have a device that makes it easy to get on the internet and get your email away from home – I always feel connected!

  4. You caved! LOL. I guess you love it. πŸ™‚ I love my iMac and my MacBook and hubby can’t believe I’m not hankering for an iPhone, but I really love my raised keyboard. Isn’t it hard to type on??

  5. I am on the verge and can’t decide. As soon as my first paycheck for the school year comes in, I buying either a blackberry or iphone. Oh, the decision. I do want a raised keyboard but I hear so many good things about the Iphone.

  6. hey sweets, it’s been ages and although my life has been fairly busy..I don’t want to be a stranger! πŸ™‚ Miss ya! πŸ™‚

    Fab lessons leanred here today… been checking out that WII game and decided to order it. I can use some personal training! LOL

    Yeah on the luxury night away, sounds fun and hope you’ll enjoy it! πŸ™‚

    Will be visiting more often hun! -x-

  7. I have a Wii on my Christmas list so I’ll be sure and add that program.

    My hubby has a Blackberry. I’m not sure I want to carry my computer with me everywhere.

    I’m going to look at your store.
    Mama Bear

  8. congrats to the “Teddy Bear 3” badge!!! And also congrats to that wonderful kit youΒ΄ve choosen!

  9. Lucky you. Maybe I should ask for an iphone instead of a macbook – that was my mistake. The birthday outing to the spa sounds like heaven. Happy Birthday!

  10. I am too afraid to get an iPhone. I’m already attached by the hip to my computer. I might then go over the edge if I had a portable one! LOL.

  11. I opted for an iTouch rather than the iPhone to save on the monthly fee, but it runs all the same apps, etc. Isn’t it cool?!?! I LOVE mine! I’ve been working on a blog post about it but haven’t quite finished it. What a great little gadget!

  12. yay it make me want my own iphone πŸ™‚

    and congrats with your winner luck
    Martha is really lovely person πŸ™‚

  13. Wow!! I had no idea the iphone did so much. I am SOOOO behind the times!!

    You just go right on ahead and blog about the iphone every chance you get… maybe I will learn something and actually get one!

    Love to you!

  14. I’ve been wondering whether the iPhones are really worth it.

    I am now on the 30 day challenge as well. Yesterday was day 2, and man, are my legs hurting today!

  15. My daughter wants the Wii Active for her birthday. We have the Wii Fit, I think. What’s the difference? Not that I care that much since I avoid the Wii at all costs.

    I have no idea how you blog from an iphone – I mean, it takes me forever to send a text message! Writing an entire blog post? I’d need a couple extra hours in the day, I think.

  16. Sounds like you had a great birthday – iphone and luxury hotel w/ spa sound pretty terrific!!

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