O Christmas Tree

Quick post as it is my eldest daughter’s 10th birthday party tonight.

I read HERE about some tips for taking photos of your Christmas tree. I don’t have a tripod (yet!) so I improvised with my ironing board – finally I found as use for my ironing board that I like!!

So here is my tree and a few other pics I took too, I took without a flash.

Christmas Survey continued…..

What Christmas movie do you like to watch the most?

I love most Christmas movies, but my favourite is probably Miracle on 34th Street – with the original version of the new one – I don’t mind which!!

What about you?

Finally, I had to share this if you haven’t yet, check out The Meadow Blog DAILY until Christmas for some beautiful free Quick Pages.

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  1. Very beautiful pictures! Never thought to use my ironing board. . . maybe I should get it out and dust it off (LOL). Thanks for sharing these beautiful Christmas Photos!

  2. Oh wow! What beautiful pictures! See, mine just stink! I’m going to have to get out my ironing board later. LOL Beautiful!!!!!

  3. WOW, your photos look so beautiful JanMary!! You should share a link to them in the comments section of that post at Scrapbook Ideas :)!!

    I hope your daughter has a lovely birthday!!!

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