
On the 19th of December … a teenager and a nativity

At 1.01pm, 13 years ago today, our first child was born.

So today……we have our first teenager! Just typing that is scary!

Having received her main gift (of a laptop) last night, we surprised her with a hairdrier this morning.

Photos of her early morning opening her presents have been banned (by her) from appearing on this blog.

We made it (just) out of our snowy icy street and down to church. While the rest practiced for the Sunday School Nativity Carol Service, I went for a walk down by the River Lagan.

Not often I have seen the river frozen in places.

Later, to a packed congregation, the carol service began.

My eldest lit the Advent Candles

My middle daughter did a prayer

An my son was a Wise Man / King

To celebrate the birthday, we went out for lunch to a local restaurant. Not sure if it was the snow or the recession, but for most of the meal we were the only guests!

We had a chocolate yule log as the birthday cake

This evening I attended our candlelit carol service – a beautiful evening with a special atmosphere. For the first time today I left my camera at home, so no pics to share.

Come back tomorrow, and as always I love your comments.

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  1. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your beautiful dd. She is turning into quite the pretty young woman.

    I keep watching the cold weather you seem to be having over there! We are not so bad here, though we are to get some snow overnight.

    Your photos, as always, are lovely. You captured the best of the day.


  2. Happy birthday! I hope the day was as special as the pictures looked. You share such a special gift with us in your pictures. Thanks!

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