Snow fight!

Unlike me, my kids were delighted to see some snow this morning. Not a whole lot, but enough for a snowball fight before school.

Quick post – suffering from toothache – ouch.
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  1. These are such nice pictures. I like the angled subjects. I’m going to try that. What great fun they had. Hope you feel better.

  2. If only our snow was few and far between…they look like they had lots of fun!

  3. I really like your new header too – very cute!! Seriously, your son has the cutest & brightest smile! He is so precious! Hope that toothache goes away soon!

  4. Definitely, get that tooth seen to, you don’t want to be faffing with dentists in Paris.

    Our snow was completely gone this morning, but it certainly looks like the kids had a great time.

  5. Look at that red hair, he looks like he is full of energy!! Great pictures, you captured the fun of the snow.

    Take care and hope you get your toothache under control.

  6. I am so jealous! I agree with the others — your new header is great. You have adorable kids. They look so sweet!

  7. LOVE that bottom photo! The first think my youngest does when she goes outside is to check to see if the snow is good packing snow. If it is, then her older sister better watch out!

    I’m sorry about your tooth! I hope you feel better soon!

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