What I learned (obviously still not too old to learn)
OK I think I have had quite long enough to recover from turning 42 (eeek! – still sounds old!). This post is WAY to long (as my daughters would say) but here goes….
- Not being able to sleep, so seeing a beautiful dawn on the morning of your birthday is not such a bad thing!
- Later being served breakfast in bed was lovely, especially when the toast had a message for me 🙂
- Try not to take it personally when your 4 year old wraps up one of his old toys to give you as a present. You thank him, and he says “but I hated it anyway!!!
- Celebrating your birthday at a beautiful hotel, luxury spa, with two spa treatments is the perfect way to mark the occasion.
Trying to get your family to all jump together is obviously a task beyond me! – but they had good fun trying. Timing is obviously not their strong point.
When visiting a farm, you should NOT expect to see too many animals! The kids loved Finvoy Fun Farm, but much more emphasis on the fun, instead of the farm. Middle daughter and animal lover was disappointed to have no animals to pet/hold/feed/(torture?). As you can see the kids (big and small!) enjoyed the day!
Allowing your eldest daughter to have ONE friend to sleepover, especially when both girls are exhausted, it actually quite easy. They slept from 11 pm to 7.30 am – happy days!
- Labeling/ironing ALL the school uniforms on one morning turned out to be much more work than I envisaged, but at least now it is complete.
- I LOVE my laptop, and when it decided to through a hissy fit on my birthday I thought perhaps all was lost. Despite lots of attempts at resuscitation, nothing worked.
- I phoned the Acer helpline with trepidation……..and then the inevitable happened……
- The Help Desk asked me to try some simple steps……
- I assured him I had tried EVERYTHING…..
- He insisted…..
- I tried again…….
- AND this time IT WORKED!!!
- When a local north coast holiday resort plans a fun evening to celebrate their new musical illuminated fountains (based on the fountains at EPCOT no less!) don’t let your expectations be raised to high. They were pretty…….but not Epcot (not even close!).
Friends, desserts and iphone apps discussions however made up for any rain and anti-climax.
Deciding to have a dozen friends over with just 24 hours notice is great fun, and not that much work. Catching up with everyone after the summer was great. We managed to incorporate both healthy and unhealthy food.
We were also all introduced to Wiggy for the first time, including his stickability!
Our friend Deborah is going through chemo for breast cancer, so met Wiggy – who looks remarkably like Debs own hair (if not better!) with the benefit of no gray hair and no regular coloring or cutting required. Apparently he is an “upgrade” and looks great.
Debs is showing amazing courage, resiliance and humor through everything going on, and it was great to see her in such good form. Her 3rd cycle of chemo starts on Thursday, and she is much in our thoughts and prayers.
- I have mixed emotions about the kids returning to school. My eldest “baby” starts grammar school on Friday, and my youngest “baby” starts Primary One. After eleven years, I am due to have some daily “me” time – it is both exciting and scary. Wish me well!
For more lessons, visit Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife. I love this weekly chance to reflect on and record what has been happening in my world, and am constantlly amazed at how I have to blog about.
I will TRY to make it a short post next week. Thanks for sticking with me, and you know I love your comments.
WOW!! I’m so jealous of your beautiful toast! You always share the most amazing pictures. Happy belated birthday!
um.. can i have YOUR birthday for my birthday next week?
Oh, JanMary – the birthday gift from your son made me laugh so hard! And the toast is just so precious! I also laughed because you see, even the photos that didn’t turn out how you expected were 1,999 times better than the ones I took at the beach a few weeks ago! haha. My birthday is this week, and I’m slightly jealous at the lovely time you had for yours!! 🙂 (happy late birthday!!)
Sounds like a great birthday. I want toast like that for my birthday! I enjoyed all the pictures as well. Looks like you are surrounded by wonderful family and friends!!
Looks like you had a great birthday. I’m just visiting from sits. Do you make your own sew on labels? How do you do that? I need to make labels for my Quirky bags I make. I just started sewing last week. I’m so addicted!!
First I want to say I am insanely jealous you live in Ireland, that is the number 1 spot I want to visit out of my top 10.
Thats so funny about your 4yr old. Gotta love the kids. And the birthday toast is great! Glad you had terrific birthday.
Well, I, for one enjoyed this long post. And the wigs look great. I am sometimes tempted to shave my head and try one. Since I have such thick hair, it is always hot, no matter how short. I sleep with it in a ponytail. Now I have this ichy scalp for which I’ve found no cure.
Sounds like a great Birthday. I’m sure you’ll find things to do in your free time. Like going back to bed.
Now, if you think 42 is old, wait until you have your 60th. Wonder why the face in the mirror doesn’t match the person I feel inside.
Mama Bear
Try not to take it personally when your 4 year old wraps up one of his old toys to give you as a present. You thank him, and he says “but I hated it anyway!!!
I burst out laughing at that lesson. Too funny!
I love the attempt at family jumping pictures. So sweet.
I loved your post and so glad that your birthday celebration was all that and more especially the unexpected gift from your son. Enjoy your me time coming up but I know what you mean about mixed feelings.
Wow – you DID learn a lot this week. That birthday toast is great! Enjoy having your kids back in school and taking some time for YOU!
I so wish I lived near you. You would inspire me all over the place!!
LOVE your pictures… and family…and life!
God bless-
Love the family jump picture and the birthday spa trip sounds wonderful! I’m having a birthday next week and I might just slip my hubs a note with a link to your post! ha!
{Oh, and I’m hosting a big bunch of giveaways next week, too, if you want to stop back by!}
Over from SITS to say hello!
Love the jumping family photos – so fun!
Hey at least your family had a go at jumping together for you, shows how much they love you:) I’m glad you had a great birthday and more importantly that your laptop is working again.
Wonderful photos, JanMary! How cute is that piece of toast?
I think the ones of your family trying to jump in unison are my favorite!
LOVE the pictures of everyone trying to jump together!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! that toast is really wonderful! and i believe what it says is really true..! you are one great mom… and artist!
i wish you all the best for the coming years.
sorry for being gone for the longest time… we were on vacation in the philippines.. and my dad passed away. i will post more in my blog and i hope i get you updated.
Great pictures! So funny about the jumping ones! Happy Birthday!
such a toast must be wonderful!!
Funny shots as your family is trying to jump all together …
And I love the shot with your daughter in the green vehicle!
Oh my word. THAT HOTEL! And the pix of your kids are fabulous, as always.
Wonderful blog! Loved reading it and your photos are fab. Too funny trying to get them to jump at the same time, but the photos are still great!
Happy Birthday!