The Fashion Designer and more of my blogging journal

Saturday morning I had the opportunity to see some of the creations of Zoe Boomer, originally from N Ireland and now a London fashion designer (yes – how glamorous!).  Zoe is the wee sister of a good friend (Hi Sue) and the sisters hosted a fashion and charity coffee morning in aid of Save the Children fund.

It was lovely to see Zoe’s designs – her work is amazing, and we even tried a few things on. I bought a versatile wrap in a inky/petrol/aubergine colour, it is beautifully floaty and was shown numerous ways to wear it.

Here is the lovely Zoe

And a few of the items being tried on.

It was much more fun than a typical shopping experience, trying clothes on behind screens in the living room, being able to walk around the house, getting lots of opinions and suggestions from friends.  All in such a friendly and relaxed environment, unlike most designer boutiques which intimidate the life out of me!

It was such a lovely warm morning, we were then able to enjoy our coffee and tea out in the garden – all very civilised and all in a great cause – Save the Children Fund.

So …. back to reality!  My blog journal. 

I am (mostly) enjoying creating this record, but sometimes the topics are a bit more of a challenge.  Today I plan to add quite a number, so bear with me please!!!

Day 16 – My Worst Habit

Probably my tendancy to accumulate clutter, and my ability to totally ignore the clutter if I am engrossed with my jewellery making.  I’m also very good at procrastination. 

If you want to know more of my bad habits you should ask my husband!

Day 17 – Pet Peeves

Unreliability and un-punctuality
Rudeness and disrespectfulness

I think that covers it!

So, over to you – anything you would care to share? You know I love to read your comments.

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  1. That would be a wonderful way to have some fun with fashion. Bring those screens to my living room next.

    Regarding the journal, I feel much more at home here after reading day 16.

  2. Those designs look gorgeous! And of course, I’m a little partial to the name “Zoe.”

    Worst habit? Worrying. And biting my cuticles.

    Pet Peevee? Nate’s inability to simply listen to my problem without having to solve it.

  3. What a great way to showcase fashion and for a good cause too! She’s very talented.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my guest post over at Seven Clown Circus. I love your blog’s header. The kids are adorable! Thanks again. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud

  4. PS I’m your newest Facebook fan. 🙂

    Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud

  5. Oh I would have loved to have been there
    to try some clothes on
    I don’t go into designer boutiques either
    I always feel uncomfortable
    and intimidated
    what a lovey time sounds like!

  6. Very lovely clothing, beautiful colours and these look as if they would be comfortable as well. Hmmmm the sort of clothes that would travel well in SEB (or VW) Can’t wait to see you in your choice! Sure, leave yourself out, hay? I wish these ladies success – sounds like a company with a big heart.

    I know what you mean about procrastinating – but I am sure your GREAT qualities far outweigh any negative ones. Can’t be TOO perfect… I have a saying I coined myself – “If you were perfect, you’d be perfectly unlovable”

    I can’t say I would like to be examining myself this close haha, though it probably is a good checklist on “things to improve about me”… LOL!

    Thx for the enjoyable reading!


  7. what a stunning collection of clothes and what a fab way to while away an evening too!

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