On the 5th Day of December…..another Nativity

Welcome back, and thanks for joining me today for my 5th consectutive daily post…will I make it to Christmas Eve? Time will tell.

It is also Show and Tell Friday over at There is No Place Like Home.

If you have missed my previous christmas posts this week, and want to catch up, here are the links. I hope you have time to check some of them out.

On the First Day of December…a Christmas Nativity
On the Second Day of December….a Christmas Cushion
On the Third Day of December….a Christmas Market
On the Forth Day of December…a Christmas Mantlepiece

So. back to today’s post. Today I have another nativity to share. This one my parents brought back from a Christmas Market in Vienna. We always called it a Christingle, but last year a German visitor called it a Christmas Pyramid.

It is carved from wood, and although it may not be obvious in the photo, Jesus, Mary and Joseph are on the top tier, and the wise men, shepherds and sheep are underneath.

As we have not yet reached the first Advent Sunday, we have not lit it yet this year, so these photos are from last year. We have a tradition in our family that each Sunday of Advent we light a candle, and watch it turn as we sing a Christmas carol. As the kids get older we allow them, with careful supervision, to take turns lighting the candles. The heat of the candles causes the propellers to turn, and we love to see the shadows on the walls, with only the light of the Christmas Tree.

It is also another way in which we try to keep the birth of Jesus at the centre of Christmas in our home. This is much more important than the way we set the table, which cranberry sauce we serve with the turkey, and who has the prettiest tree. Although I am sharing my Christmas decor this month, please don’t focus purely on the trappings of Christmas, but the reason we are celebrating…the birth of Jesus.

This digital scrapbooking layout records this family tradition, with photos of the Christmas 2006.

Last year my son called this the Jesus Helicopter!

In other family news tonight is my middle daughter’s birthday party. She will be 9, and we have planned to take her and 3 friends bowling, then back home for birthday cake and a DVD.

I made this layout for her birthday using Weeds & Wildflowers Christmas kit Jolly Holly, which as you can see does not limit itself to purely Christmas layouts.

That’s me up to date. Tomorrow there will be another Christmas themed post, and I plan to attend a Christmas Craft market at St Georges Market in Belfast. Watch this space!

For more Show and Tell, visit Kelli at There is No Place Like Home.

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  1. Your Christmas pyramid is so beautiful! I would love to have one of these someday:)

    I am also showing my nativities today. Drop by if you get a chance!

  2. Hi JanMary
    You are so right about not forgetting the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of Jesus.
    Your nativities are lovely.
    Love, Ann

  3. I’m hoping to get round to the craft market at lunch time. Whether it happens or not is another thing, I’ve a few things to pick up on the way.

    And you’re right about the open fire. I could do without the dirt but I’d miss the smell of peat. Of course I could always go to the Folk and Transport museum for my fix.

  4. What a beautiful nativity! I agree with you when it comes to remembering the birth of Jesus at Christmas time – my 2 yr old comes out with ‘It’s Jesus birthday soon’ every day. I hope to teach her more as she gets older 😀

  5. Beautiful pictures of your children’s faces in the glowing light of the nativity! Thanks for stressing the real reason for celebration at this season:)
    Linda C

  6. What a unique Nativity! I wish I had a Jesus helicopter for my grandson!! LOL!

    I enjoyed seeing your digital scrapbook page as well!

    P.S. – I have a Nativity collection and I hope to start a new blog with them soon!

  7. That is a unique and lovely nativity. I’m sure the children just love to see it go round.

  8. I love this the best! Yur photos are wonderful with the kids and the lighting! This nativity is beautiful!

  9. Your posts are always so interesting and beautiful JanMary, you have a gift! (I don’t mean a Christmas one either)

    The one decoration I do not have, and the one I want THE MOST is a nice Nativity – all the ones I’ve ever seen for sale here are super-cheap or cheesey and I don’t want that either. I’m still on the lookout each year, perhaps I’ll have to wind up building one some year.

    Your 2006 layout is so gorgeous, I simply love the color, so rich.

    Happy Birthday to your dd (which REMINDS me, its my twin brother’s birthdays tomorrow and I have to make something even though I have 5 dinner guests coming today, better move it move it!)

    Thank you for sharing, its ALWAYS worth the trip and time out to visit you here.

  10. I love those pyramid nativity sets. We go caroling every year, and one of the houses we visit displays a pyramid nativity that is 3 or 4 layers high. It is gorgeous!

  11. The Jesus helicopter!! That is too cute. That pic with them is adorable, and so is the nativity. Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful weekend!!

  12. Your Christmas pyramid is beautiful and so special for the children.

    I love your pictures!

    God Bless!

  13. Love that…Jesus Helicopter!

    Yes, I love Advent. We have a new Advent wreath at church this year. Lit the first candle Sunday, and it is beautiful.

  14. This is beautiful!!! I love the picture with your children looking on. I once saw one similar for sale and have wished since I would have purchased it!
    Thanks for sharing!

    www. quilt-n-mama.blogspot.com

  15. That is such a beautiful Nativity. My sons would love it. I will have to keep my eyes open. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I LOVE your little wooden Advent pyramid. It’s so beautiful. What a treasured heirloom.

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