On the second day of December ….. a new Christmas Nativity
I had resolved to NOT purchase another Christmas Nativity this year, but as with everything else in 2020, that went out the window!
I couldn’t resist this minimalist wooden Christmas Nativity set from Sostrene Grene, and it was only £4 or so (bargain!)

We put up our first Christmas tree last night – the family room one. With our eldest daughter safely home from Uni it seemed the perfect time.

We have 3 trees in our house, and this kitchen/family one is our “Red & Random” tree – all those random decorations purchased or made over the years – all accumulate on this tree. Here are a few of my favourite decorations from this tree …..

As with all our tree lights (and any other sets of fairy lights – there are many) they are all the “correct” shade of warm white. My husband just doesn’t get my obsession with them, but he has learned to tolerate it after 28 years of marriage.
When we were first married we agreed – if we would have a fake (faux sounds so much fancier!) tree then we could have warm white lights.
I plan to blog more frequently this December – for a number of years in my early days of blogging I managed daily posts …. might not manage that, but I do enjoy looking back and reading over those posts.
If you love Christmas Nativity sets as much as I do, then you can find more on my blog HERE
Anyway, enough ramblings for another day,
Take care, and chat soon x