Welcome to My World (again!)

Hello, and welcome to my world (a phrase I often say to my husband, and the name of my blog) to all my visitors from the inaugural McL Blog Hop.

A little about me to start us off – I am a christian, wife (to a doctor), mum (to 3 kids, 2 girls 11 and 9, and a son of 4) and live in Northern Ireland. I love to blog, take photographs, make jewelery (janmary designs) and digital scrapbooking. We are also tolerated by a ginger cat called George.

We have recently completed a makeover of our kitchen and utility room, and now the kids are off for 9 weeks summer holidays.

I like to share a little of our world here in Northern Ireland, and love meeting new bloggers around the world too.

Please leave a comment, and I will pop over to say “hi”. If you like what you see, why not subscibe to my blog so you don’t miss a thing!

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  1. hello JanMary

    just popping by to say hello from Aus and wishing you a happy weekend, how is the weather with you, I know in England it has been very warm, but how about you?

    hmmm the 9 weeks off sounds good and bad, I always have very mixed feelings on the holidays – scooting around with the kids, love it, pj’s til noon, love it, no schedule, begins to lose its shine after week 3…anyway enjoy

    just took a quick look at your Etsy store, love your stuff, very talented

    happy days


  2. p.s.

    my hall peg rack is beginning to look like your Cath Kidston advert – every time my mum comes out she brings a Cath bag or basket, I have to *make myself use them, love love them so much…some of the Cath ethos has been somewhat diluted now I believe but I’m still so loving those bags

  3. sweetie, I have the real mccoy, mmm, mmm, my mum seems to have this strange passion to bring stuff from Blighty with her so I just drop ever so subtle hints about Cath and her bags, hee, hee, very naughty I know…and yep I have the Tesco’s ones too, well a couple of them b4 they sold out…fills me with some weird glee taking them for outings round here!

    enjoy your shell hunting, I would love to come with you, I have yet to get to Ireland, Northern or other and my grandfather was Irish, his family emmigrated to Devon – surname, of course Doyle…one day I will get there…I devour books on the subject of course


  4. So glad I hopped by….. what a lovely blog you have. I will be visiting often I am sure.

  5. Hello! I love your blog…I tried to leave you a message a minute ago, but I am not sure if it went through…sorry if you get two from me.

    I too have three kiddos. I look forward to reading more from you.
    Have a praise filled day,

  6. Didn’t know about the blog hop but it is interesting and I am glad to know more about you. In addition to following the blogs of friends I’ve made along the way, I enjoy following the blogs of people in other countries and getting a glimpse of life there.
    Mama Bear

  7. I’m excited to meet a blogger from Northern Ireland. So glad I stopped by on this blog hop. I hope you come to visit Heart Choices.

  8. Howdy! I’m a blog hopper from California, USA. It’s nice to meet you via the Blog Hop today. Here’s wishing you a fantastic weekend!

  9. Stopping by from the Blog Hop nice to meet you! Checking out all the different blogs. Have a Happy Fourth!
    Your jewelery is beautiful!

  10. Blog hopped across the pond! : ) I’ve never been to Northern Ireland, but would love to go. Thanks for the glimpse into your world!

  11. Blog Hoppin’ and so glad to meet someone in Ireland. Always wanted to go, especially since I’m 3/4 Irish! Was offered a trip twice and turned it down like an idiot, due to the timing! I could shoot myself! LOL
    Thanks for stopping by…and I look forward to all your posts!

  12. Stopping by to say Hello. I look forward to your blog and Ireland is a trip I want to make sometime in my lifetime. Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  13. I really need to learn to digital scrapbook. Any recommendations for a not tech savvy, slow learner like myself? Happy blog hopping.

  14. Hey SITSta, hopping in from the blog hop to say hello. Have a fun and safe Independents Day 🙂 Great Etsy!!

  15. Hi JanMary!

    Swinging by from Canada and hoping to join in the next blog hop! 😀

    Have a great day!!

  16. I’m glad I hopped over! It is so amazing and awesome how blogging makes the world a little more accessible :o)

    Growing up and then marrying into the military, I’ve lived in many places.

    I’m new to blogging and learning as I go. I hope you stop by… and if you do, please let me know :o)
    Blessings & Aloha!

  17. Hi JanMary, thanks for hopping by my blog! Very cool to meet someone in N. Ireland. My best friend was adopted from N. Ireland as an infant. Look forward to checking out the rest of your blog!

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Welcome to my world – again

I know this is the title of my blog, but now I have a digital layout to match. As part of the wonderful Weeds & Wildflowers www.weedsandwildflowersdesign.com amazing CT forum, we were asked to submit a layout to intoduce ourselves.

Those of you who know me well know how much I hate having my picture taken, so I made my photo as small as possible! I also hope that those who know with me agree with my description of myself, and will recognise me!

Credits – Celebrating Color kit available at ScrapArtist.com https://www.scrapartist.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=30&zenid=0b963a4d8fd668e54a8ad6ee6c9b93e6

I am now getting a bit braver about telling friends “in the real world” about my blog, so if you are reading this, and you know who you are, it is great to have you along.

Also welcome to all the girls from my 2 CT’s who are very good about visiting – thanks guys, I appreciate it, knowing how busy you are.

Finally I had the lovely surprise of a phonecall from USA yesterday. A good friend who moved to America and I haven’t seen in years, rang to catch up. It took her 2 years to track down my new phone number, not realising we now have a mutual friend who I often see in the school playground!

That’s all from me for today.

Take care, thanks for your comments and signing my guest book – I love the validation!

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  1. What a lovely LO JanMary and you take a nice picture. Though I like you like to be behind the photo.

  2. Pretty Layout JanMary!! I think your very pretty, and while I know how you feel about wanting the pictures small, your family will want them bigger!! LOL So do some bigger sometime, at least for your family, you don’t HAVE to share them if you don’t want, although I’m sure we would all LOVE to see them!! I know I would!!

  3. JanMary it’s so nice to put a face with your friendship! you’re so pretty, too 🙂 i’m just like you & you’d be hard-pressed to find a photo of me online LOL!! your LO is wonderful ~ love all the bright colors against the black 🙂

  4. So nice to see you. You really need to get in front of the camera more…. it likes you! Great layout. So bright a fun!

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