An Alarming Snowman and Lessons Learned

On Saturday afternoon my husband and kids decided they had not yet had enough of the snow, and proceeded to build a snowman in our front garden.

I only joined then to take a few photos from time to time, then retreated to the warmth of indoors and central heating!


This is the snowman they created –

Is it just me or does that snowman just look like he is holding is hands in the air “Stop – Don’t Shoot!” and is looking more than slightly alarmed!

So on to the Lessons Learned

  • I learned that I am number THIRTY ONE in the top 100 Mummy Bloggers in UK! I know these things don’t really matter, but they are encouraging to a blogger!

  • I miss the snow – finally the snow is melting and we returned this morning to our familiar icy sludge and slippy pavements and sleet!

I miss the beautiful snow-encrusted branches and leaves

And the countryside looking like a winter wonderland (sorry for the cliche!)

The thawing and dripping branches were everywhere in the park


Β And we are left with sludge and ice! (I would have a picturesque photo of this, but dh borrowed my camera today)

  • I learned that swirl pins, kilt pins and bag charms have beenΒ  my most popular ordered items for in the last month.

and some other new items I created this week:

I would love some feedback, to tell which (if any!) appeals to you!

More items being added to the store soon – keep watching, and my first newsletter due shortly, including an exclusive discount.Β  Visit and sign up for the newsletter so you won’t miss out.

That is my lessons for this week – so, what have you learned?

For more lessons visit Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife

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  1. That snowman is adorable – love the gloves!

    I’m so glad to hear your jewelry business has taken off! Always makes me happy to see a fellow businesswoman succeed.

  2. @ Bethany

    Thanks for your visit.

    Just to let you know that basic shipping for an item like that would be less than $3 (with tracked shipping it would be $10) and sometimes I have offers on for free shipping or other discounts!

  3. Great images, great pieces. If you really want me to choose I like the first two best the swirl pin is awesome and the colors and arangement on the top piece is wonderful.
    congrats on #31!

  4. hi janmary!! those pictures of the snow are beautiful!! snow is really pretty…but when they start to melt they can be a problem.

    i love the very first picture of charms!! (the pink one) i will try to visit your shoppe one of these days to see all the products. your designs are wonderful!!

    oh…and congratulation for being #31 in UK mommy blogger… your blog is really inspiring..!

    fyi..the parcel hasn’t arrived.

  5. I wanted to build a snowman but our snow this time is the really powdery stuff and really hard to make it stick together.
    More forecast tonight, so hopefully tomorrow I might be able to, if it turns out to be the slightly wetter stuff.

  6. Hello JanMary! Great snowman! I love your photographs of your children–I didn’t realize how red your son’s hair was until today! Reminds me of my gramma’s.

    Love your designs! Maybe we can do a Trans-Atlantic trade some day! πŸ˜€

  7. wow- your jewelry is lovely! And I love the snowy pics. It’s very snowy here, but it’s supposed to get milder the next few weeks, so I’ll be right with you on the sludge. ugh.

  8. Aahhh, your photographs are so beautiful and inspiring! Love the surrendering snowman too! πŸ™‚

    It’s snowing again here today so we have snow on top of the slush and ice, it’s dangerous out there!

  9. Love all the pics. The snow photos look beautiful especially to a Queenslander from Australia who has rarely seen snow and of course never in her own garden!

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